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Bankruptcy Guide (Page 2)

10 Crucial Steps That Will Guarantee a Successful Debt Consolidation Process

Debt consolidation is an excellent option for solving your business debts. It can help you to relieve and solve your business’s financial problems.  However, while contemplating on this debt relief strategy, you should think smart. Your major goal should be getting a loan that has a lower interest rate, affordable monthly repayments, and a long-term repayment plan. With all these, you will have... ❯❯❯

Bankruptcy: How to Keep More of Your Money

If you happen to own bitcoin, and you may be filing bankruptcy, this could be one of the most important articles you will read. The big concern among many filers is can they keep some money at filing, and if so, how much? The fact is, the federal and state governments do have laws that allow someone filing bankruptcy to keep a certain amount of money.  In this article we will examine exemptions... ❯❯❯

Repairing Your Credit After Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy can be quite traumatic. You know that you have made some serious financial errors and there is nothing that you would like better than to put them behind you. But how do you start rebuilding credit after bankruptcy? After all, who would want to lend you any money going forward? You might be surprised to learn that there is a lot that you can do to improve your credit score,... ❯❯❯

Your All-Important Guide to Selecting a Building Surveyor

If you’re thinking about buying property, then you should know right away that you need some surveying done. If – like most people – you need a mortgage to acquire your new home, it’s one of the demands of the mortgage provider, anyway. The survey that the mortgage provider demands, however, is nowhere near what it takes to have a better understanding of the structure you’re buying. To be safe,... ❯❯❯

The Need to Hire a Mortgage Broker for People with Bad Credit

Do you have a low credit score? To have reached that point, you must have totally messed up everything. Even if you want to start over again, it will be difficult for you. Getting an emergency loan might be impossible considering that you are a high-risk borrower. If this type of loan is no longer available, imagine how difficult it would be if you plan to get a mortgage. For sure, you will end... ❯❯❯

A Guide to Finding the Best Rental Property in the UK

Whether you are relocating or renting a house for the first time, house hunting is a time-consuming and tedious exercise. Statistics show that over one-third of UK residents rent houses. The increasing number of people in work has boosted demand for rental property. Luckily, there are thousands of houses to choose from in different parts of the UK. The tricky part is selecting the right house... ❯❯❯

The Importance of EPC in Selling Your House

When thinking of selling your home, you need to have an energy performance certificate or EPC even before listing your property for sale. You can have it arranged through your estate agent or by an EPC provider. Landlords also need it for tenants to view. As the name implies, EPC shows the energy efficiency rating of a property. Your property will be rated from A to G with A being the most energy... ❯❯❯

How to Get a Pay Rise – Top 5 Tips

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/entrepreneur-stock-exchange-pay-1428452/ Many of us want pay rises but are too worried about asking for it. You could be concerned you’d be wasting your boss’ time, you’d be wasting your own time, or that you don’t have enough proof that you deserve it. The truth is, many of us “deserve” pay rises and it takes a little courage to address the issue and you... ❯❯❯

Advantages of hiring a bankruptcy attorney

Bankruptcy is a legal status and shouldn’t be viewed as much of a negative even though it can affect your future credit, reputation and self-image. It can do more than harm especially to people or businesses who are incapable of repaying their debts due to various reasons. Filing for bankruptcy offers so much relief to those in unsustainable levels of debt. This process can be a tedious one and... ❯❯❯

How Bankruptcy Assistants Work

More and more Americans are finding themselves neck-deep in debt, and as a result, more of them are filing and declaring bankruptcy. Lawyers are finding big business in bankruptcy laws and handling bankruptcy cases. But they are not the only ones finding money in helping people recover their losses and start anew. There is a new and emerging trend of bankruptcy assistance. There are actually... ❯❯❯